Last week, I traveled with Dani Tietjen to Ft Wayne Indiana. We took this trip (6 kids under 9 and 2 mamas! WOW!) to begin working in earnest on GatherHaus, our new project. While staying with a friend, I got to know his daughter and just loved her constant sweet nature and enthusiasm. As we were chatting I just blurted out, “lets do your senior pictures!” and so the next day, we did. Since our lovely subject wants to work for Disney and loves any excuse to dress up, her first outfit was absolutely bubbly princess. I love when my clients are truly themselves! And we spent the next hour driving around town dancing in front of barns and in gardens and down an alley way, it was fabulous.
Isn’t this lovely?!?!?!
First outfit = girly side. Second outfit = geeky side. LOVE IT!
You did a great job capturing my granddaughters love of life and the great spirit that lives in her.