Little Eliana was born today. Mom has been ready for her to be born for a while, and after a long labor, her little face was certainly a welcome sight!
The birthing ball got things going, and labor progressed crazy fast.
Dad was such a great partner, constantly supporting throughout the birth. Mamma did a successful Vbac with 2 and a half hours of back labor pushing, so she certainly was a trooper.
Little Eliana was born right after the sunrise, and after a few hours rest, the siblings came to meet her.
Big happy family!
Welcome, sweet girl, to the world!
Kat…these are beautiful! It almost makes me second guess my decision to NOT let anyone with cameras near me during these moments! Ha…however, the momma in these photos has always been a fair bit stronger than the one writing these words! Anyway…these are great. Well done on capturing such beautiful moments!
Beautifully done, Kat! Eliana, from first glimpse looks like she’ll be a clone of her big sister. It cracks me up that K NEVER smiles! But is still such a darling. And I can imagine M’s voice pointing out something very profound he’s just noticed about his new sister. I love T’s “thoughtful face” with the sucked in lips. You’ve really captured each of their personalities. Thanks for sharing for those of us so far away.
Absolutely beautiful baby!!!
What a beautiful family. Conratulations.
Absolutely beautiful family! Congratulations you two!! God is so good! Love, Fran
Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing. Absolutely a beautiful family! God’s blessings always. Love, Nancy and Jerry