Miles and little sister Eleanor just hit milestones…turning 5 and 1 respectively. So this was the perfect time for portraits. Miles was such a good big brother, and did a great job smiling for the camera. His favorite part was making funny faces of course. Eleanor was busy busy busy, just aching to run around. Her parents called how she moved on all fours a “bear walk”, so I made sure to get her in action!
Since Eleanor’s new favorite thing is to sit on her brother and squish him, we made sure to capture that moment, and I adore the look of triumph on her face! And you can tell Miles is the son of a videographer…he looked at the back of my camera and said, “that picture is too dark”. Love it!
Here are my favorite images, enjoy!
Katrina, these are awesome. Thanks for being so good with the kids.
By the way, Miles has taken it all back and now agrees that there was enough light.
Kat. Awesome job! Very, very cute.