I really love Ryan Gosling…party because he resembles my husband and partly because of who he is (a great actor, takes fun roles, is pro feminism). Another thing to love are all of the “Hey Girl” images that have been popping up online and are filling the spaces of Pinterest lately. They are simply hillarious and I suggest you look them up.
Though the Hey Girl series started off as a parody of a sensitive man that has feminist beliefs, making him the perfect guy, (my favorite being “Hey Girl, I had a dream about you last night. We went antiquing and got your mom a really nice gift. It was pretty intense.”) it has morphed into a whole genre of funny. One of the newest sites is combining advice from one of my favorite wedding blogs, A Practical Wedding , and cute pictures of Ryan…it is eye candy that also helps you plan your wedding.
So if you’re browsing the web at work for wedding inspiration (and I know you are!) and you need a chuckle, head over to Practical Ryan Gosling.
Truly, my favorite advice from this series is “a wedding is not a surprise party for the groom”. Maybe if Ryan Gosling says it, brides will listen and stop taking control of their weddings to the point where the groom has no idea what is going on.
Since we’re on the topic of Ryan Gosling and weddings, a perfect date night with your fiance is to watch one of his romantic movies. Though The Notebook is a given, you really need to see Crazy Stupid Love and you really REALLY need to see Lars and the Real Girl. They are all fantastic movies.
Hey girl,
Nice blog post.
Perfect, as always, Gretchen =)
The bottom one is amazeballs. Wow.