Whenever we travel to Chicago, we always have to visit our friends, the Paschkes. Since Martha loves photography (we were in a college photography class together), we always make sure to have even five minutes for family pictures. This time, Martha joined me at the engagement session in downtown Chicago while the dads had all six kids at the zoo. Then we all went to a specific spot at the Morton Arboretum for family pictures. Even Martha’s daughter has gotten into photography, so it was fun to climb trees and take pictures of each other.
With the leaves being gloriously yellow, the fact that we all wore purple really made the outfits pop. Though six kids and four tired adults makes it tough to organize pictures, we managed to get quite a few good ones! Here are my favorites, enjoy!
Morton! Agggh! I miss Chicago. 🙂
Also, whenever you photograph these guys, I’m always amazed at what a good-looking family they are.
Thanks, Kat!! I LOVE these!!! I’ll have to order some prints! I’m thinking a giant canvas of the one with the big tree! 😉
And Wendy, you are too kind! Thank you!
I don’t know why you’re surprised, Wendy, you know we’re only friends with good looking people 😉
Martha, I see a big float wrap (tall and narrow) coming your way around Christmas!