I love photographing this family.
1 – the kids have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen
2 – they really like to be together
3 – they encourage creativity and fun in their family
4 – they let their kids be kids during portrait sessions
5 – Dani and Paul are still very much in love
After doing a few family portraits, we did a fun “real family portrait” that shows everyone at their current state of personality ; ) Then after that, the kids put on fun hats and played some sort of umbrella woods ninja reenactment…and they did it well.
Not only has this family survived having three children in six years, they also survived the Minneapolis tornado this year…they were literally in the middle of it! Throughout all of life’s ups and downs, Dani and Paul have always managed to look on the bright side and are two of the most giving warm people I know. Dani is a motivational speaker, head of a charity for Haiti, and avid blogger, you should check out her website! http://danitietjen.com//blog
Here are my favorite images, enjoy!
Three things:
That third image is ridiculously cute.
Love her not-at-all-momish outfit.
The tiny boots remind me of Ainsley’s from a fall shoot last year.
So glad I checked this out!